Coin Lesson

Teacher Name: Mary K. Miles                              

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Lesson Plan Title:  Working with coins and counting

Concept/Topic To Teach:  Recognition of coins.  Gain an understanding of what each coin is worth, (1 penny = 1 cent, nickel = 5 cents, dime = 2 nickels or 10 penny’s or 10 cents, quarter = 25 cents, 25 pennies, 5 nickels, or 2 dimes and 1 nickel).  This should also correspond with an ongoing concept of counting numbers as with coins.

Pre-Assessment Plan Or Activity:  Ask students during large group what each coin is and what it is worth, penny, nickel, dime, quarter.

Teacher Prep:  Copy papers, copy overhead sheet, have overhead coins ready with corresponding touch sheet, have four centers ready for each coin activity, book “Monster Money” ready, centers set up, end activity sheet prepared to hand out..

Duration (One day, two day, week long etc...): One hour

Experience/Exploration Concepts:  To think about and learn the value of coins.  To make connections with everyday life and how we spend money.  The coins are to be matched up with what each is worth as a concept of match and compare.

Standards/Benchmarks/GLCE’S Addressed:
Count, Write or Order Numbers
N.ME.00.03 Compare and order numbers to 30 using phrases such as “more than” or “less than.”
Compose and Decompose Numbers
N.MR.00.08 Describe and make drawings to represent situations/stories involving putting together and taking apart for totals up to 10; use finger and object counting.
Explore number patterns
N.MR.00.10 Create, describe, and extend simple number patterns.
General Goals/Rationale(s):  Reinforce the value of money and counting coins.  Which is less and which is more.
Specific Objectives
1. The students will be able to recognize the following coins and what each is worth in cents according to each one, penny, nickel, dime, quarter.

2. The students will be able to understand how to count coins using numbers.

3. The students will be able to use smaller coins to equal larger coins as with pennies to nickels, nickels to dimes, nickels and dimes to quarters.

4. The students will make connections with how people use coins and money to buy things in everyday life.
Required Materials
1. The overhead projector and materials – coins, and touch sheet
2. Coin activity sheets
3. “Monster Money” book
4. Fake coins
5. Coin cubes Glue Pictures of coins on cubes or make your own

(Note - the internet has many different activity pages and material you can get to do this lesson if you can't make them)

Instructional Procedures:
a) Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Read “Monster Money” book and review with the overhead/coins and touch sheet what each coin is worth in cents and recognition by having the students touch each coin the teacher says.

b) Presentation:  Centers
1. Center with sorting coins on a prepared coin sheet for all four coins penny, nickel, dime, quarter.

2. Center with coin cube to roll the die and say what the coin is and student keeps the coin if it is recognized.  Student with most coins at end of center gets a sticker.

3. Center with cents cube to roll the die and say what coin is worth that many cents.  If student correctly recognizes the coins in cents they keep that coin.  Student with most coins at the end gets a sticker.

4. “Monster Money” book center.  The students will work with the “Monster Money” sheets and count coins to equal the correct amount listed on the picture as if they were buying the item listed.  The students will also try to figure out how many more pennies are needed to buy one of the three objects listed on the sheets.

c) Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): The students will complete a very short matching sheet where they will be asked to match the coin with the amount in cents.  The teacher will review the math sheet with students.

Step-By-Step Procedures
1. Pre-assess by asking what each coin is and its worth.

2. Read book “Monster Money”

3. Touch coin sheets/coins and overhead as a large group

4. Centers

5. Match coin activity sheet

Plan For Independent Practice: Set coins out during choice time and let children pretend they are buying items from each other or a store.
Ending Assessment Based On Objectives:  Coin matching activity sheet
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):  One on one concentration with struggling student for 5 minutes during choice time.
Extensions (For Gifted Students): Writing numbers out on printing paper on what each coin is worth as students ask each other.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects:  Make connections to language arts and reading by pointing out word wall words in the book read.

Special Notes Or Things To Consider For This Lesson: Pay close attention to the time limits and make sure it does not last longer then an hour per scheduled obligations.